I am always after a cheap and easy meal to throw together when I am travelling, I also love watching cooking shows. Therefore I like the challenge of taking a recipe I have seen and making a cheaper and healthier version of it. This 2-minute noodle steak stir-fry recipe was inspired by Jamie Oliver. If you want to be a traditionalist, this is his original recipe.
As a backpacker, it can be so easy to exist off 2-minute noodles and pizza. In fact, it is easy to do that at any point in your life. There is a lot to be said for 2-minute noodles. They are warm, tasty, cheap and filling. What more do you need… well other than nutrients and energy. This is why I love this recipe so much. It takes a backpacker favourite and gives it some edge, some va-va-voom. All without breaking the budget. I have priced this in Australian dollars, but I know you could make this cheaper in Europe or the States – the cost of vegetables is so much better there.
The other great thing about this 2-minute noodles steak stir-fry recipe is that you can change out the veggies and meat. Do it how you want. Make it your own. You can make it anywhere in the world for a cheap.
2-Minute Noodle Steak Stir-Fry Recipe
A cheap and easy meal for the backpacker who doesn’t want just 2-minute noodles for dinner. Adapted from a Jamie Oliver recipe.
- 2-minute noodles
- 350g steak chopped
- 1/2 onion (brown or red, your choice), chopped
- 1 clove garlic, chopped
- Broccoli, chopped
- Zucchini, chopped
- 1/2 a lemon
- A slurp of soy sauce
- Put the water onto boil for your 2-minute noodles
- Place the vegetables in a microwave container in the microwave with a little bit of water on high for 2 minutes
- Once the water has started to boil, put in your 2-minute noodles. Heat some oil in your frying pan
- Gently cook the onion and garlic until soft and then brown the steak
- Once the steak is brown add in the vegetables, these don’t really need cooking as you already softened them in the microwave. Adding them now is just to pull it all together.
- Squeeze in the lemon juice and add the slurp of soy sauce.
- Drain the 2-minute noodles and add to the frying pan to soak up some of the juices.
- Serve
- 1 saucepan
- 1 frying pan
- 1 microwave proof container (doesn’t have to be a Tupperware container, can just be a bowl with a plate on top as a lid)
- Tongs or wooden spoon
$10 (AUD), feeds 2 people. So $5 per person
You can switch out the veg and meat to anything else that you like or have on hand. Instead of steak, you can try chicken with capsicum and cauliflower – it is up to you!
For a more detailed description on how I pulled this together in about 4 minutes (not including chopping time… I am no Jamie Oliver) check out my YouTube channel.